Amazing Health Benefits of Ginger

Amazing Health Benefits of Ginger

Ginger is one of the commonest culinary spice that is derived from the underground stem of the Ginger plant. Ginger has a firm, striated texture with a hot and pungent taste.

 In addition
to its numerous uses in the kitchen, it has been used for centuries as a herbal remedy due to two volatile oils called shogaol and gingerol.

 It also serve as an excellent source of potassium (K), magnesium (Mg), copper (Cu), manganese (Mn), and vitamin B6.

What are the Benefits of Ginger?

Numerous research has shown that ginger has a lot of health benefits and are effective against viruses, inflammation, tumor effects and also serve as antioxidant.

Therefore, it can assist treat many everyday problems such as fevers, motion sickness, stomach cramps, digestive ailments, nausea and colds as well as major illnesses such as high cholesterol, blood pressure and even cancerous tumors.


Health benefits


Ginger acts as anti-histamine and therefore can help in the treatment of various allergies. This is a simple Ginger Tea preparation for a wonderful natural allergy control:
  • Gently peel and chop  into pieces 1/4 inch of fresh ginger.
  • Add the chopped ginger to 1 and 1/2 cup of clean water in a saucepan and boil.
  • Boil until there is about one cup of water remaining in the saucepan.
  • Pour the tea into a mug and allow to cool before you enjoy. If the taste too strong, add a little honey as a natural sweetener.
Take this tea 2x daily until your allergic symptoms are relieved.


Due to ginger's efficacy against inflammations, it has been found to sharply reduce pain and inflammations that are associated with  rheumatoid and Osteoarthritis when taken on a regular basis.

For this reason, a simply arthritis natural remedy is to take half (1/2) inch of sliced and peeled fresh ginger with each meal.

Colds, Flus, and Fever

Ginger also serves as natural anti-histamine and anti-viral that assist in promoting healthy sweating, this is mostly helpful when someone is suffering from a fever or flu. It's also a natural decongestant and this makes it possible for treating nasal congestion or cold.

 Ginger tea is effective in treating the above health condition, alternatively, you can also try the following:
  • Peel 1 inch of fresh ginger.
  • Gently grind the ginger and squeeze the juice from it into a cup.
  • Add 4 spoons of honey into the juice and mix it.
  • Take 1/2 spoon of this mixture 2x per day.

High Cholesterol

It has been shown that ginger has the potency to reduce cholesterol levels. So therefore, a simple treatment is to take 1 cup of ginger tea in both morning and evening.

 Another alternative is to take 1/2 inch of nicely peeled and sliced ginger, then add it to every meal as spice  or seasoning.

Nausea and Vomiting

Researches have revealed that ginger is very effective in lowering the severity of vomiting. and nausea. The 2 active components of ginger (i.e. shogaol and gingerol) accomplish this by assisting the body to produce more digestive enzymes that can neutralize body acids in the stomach that often lead to nausea.

Does ginger have Side Effects?

Ginger is not a common allergenic food. Therefore it's not known to have any adverse side effects if taken in moderate dosage.


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