Catarrh is a disease of the mucous membrane of the nasal passages and those cavities of the head collaborating with them. Insignificant as it appears in its first stages, it is apt in its development to become
influential in causing the loss or impairment of smell, taste, hearing, and sight, and of producing serious constitutional derangements, not infrequently terminating in consumption.
There is a sensation of irritation, sensitiveness, heat or pain is experienced in the nose, the edges of which are red and swollen, and which is stopped up sometimes on one side, sometimes on the other, and intermittently on both, rendering respiration through it either difficult or impossible
• A runny nose, headaches, postnasal drip, sore throat, sinusitis, gastritis, glue ear syndrome, and respiratory problems.
Catarrh is the excess mucus which occurs with many different nasal, throat, tracheal and bronchial infections; for example, croup and whooping cough.
• Although excess mucus is normal with some diseases, yet avoiding certain foods will lessen the amount of mucus produced. Some foods are high mucus-forming. Overcooking of food is part of the problem.
Pasteurized milk, white flour, sugar foods, and meat should be avoided if you want to cut down on mucus. Eat more fresh fruit and vegetables. If you have cooked food at a meal, begin with raw food. This will help the digestive system handle the increased load that cooked food places upon it.
• Indigestible food also forms higher levels of mucus in the body. Any specific allergen (a food or substance toward which you are allergic) may cause catarrh. Orientals are particularly sensitive to milk products (up to 85% of them lack the digestive enzyme needed to handle milk sugar, which is lactase).
• Other irritants include fumes, smoke, foreign objects, chemicals, drugs, spicy foods, salt, pepper, alcohol, and poor food combinations.
• Use steam to break up the catarrh (mucus) so you can sleep well. Eucalyptus oil also helps. Be sure and drink enough water. As intake decreases, the mucus thickens and cuts off breathing.
• During the illness, you may drink primarily of fluids (fruit juices) at times. But at those times when you eat, emphasize a high fiber diet using raw food. When grains are eaten, they should be whole grains, such as brown rice, millet, and buckwheat. You may wish to
take a psyllium seed and herbal mixture to clean out the digestive tract of mucus. Herbs for this purpose could include burdock, aloe vera, ginger, alfalfa, cascara sagrada, kelp, and slippery elm.
SOURCE: Natural Health Encyclopedia
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