Health Benefits Of Aloe Vera

Aloe Vera (Cape Aloe) is a short-stemmed  succulent, plant with thick leaves that almost look like Cactus plant. Aloe Vera has been used for centuries
for its medicinal benefits and  many modern researches are now confirming most of its healing properties.

The secret of Aloe's magic is found in its high concentration of nutrients and some vital substances which includes vitamins {A, B, C and E}, water, Fatty Acids, more than 20 minerals, Lignin, Saponins, Salicylic Acid and Amino Acids.

What are the Benefits of Aloe Vera?

Studies have shown that Aloe can effectively treat a range of ailments. When aloe vera is applied externally, it's very effective in treating rashes, blemishes, scars, bites of insects, acne, sunburns, sores, eczema, psoriasis and other infections of the skin.

  Aloe Vera can also be taken internally to treat internal tissue damage, high blood pressure, high blood sugar levels{hypoglycemia},  constipation, poor appetite, diarrhea, arthritis, ulcers, digestive disorders, irritable bowel syndrome, hemorrhoids and colon disorders.

 Aloe is also known to assist in weight control and to boost immune system. Most people have found that daily consumption of aloe vera juice assists to maintain general health and also provide a sense of well-being and energy.

Uses of Aloe Vera


The wonderful constituents of Aloe Vera have anti-septic and cleansing properties which act powerfully against viruses, fungi, bacteria. As a result, Aloe is considered a great natural cure for acne and also for maintaining a fresh and glowing complexion.

 Try the following Aloe Vera Mask:
  • Add half tablespoon of aloe vera gel into a clean small container
  • Add one tablespoon of seaweed into the container.
  • Add half tablespoon of natural honey (the raw honey is best) into the container.
  • Gently mix all these ingredients together and allow the mixture to sit for about 10 minutes.
  • First wash your face with water and soap and dry it with a towel.
  • Now apply the prepared Aloe vera mask mixture over your face (avoid your eyes).
  • Leave it on the face for 15 minutes and then wash it off with warm water only (don't add soap).
Repeat this mask 2 - 3 times weekly as part of your regular skin care program to enjoy glowing, and acne-free skin.


Aloe is known to also act as an effective laxative when taken internally, resulting in easy bowel movements which assist restore a healthy balance of normal flora bacteria in the colon.
  • Mix two spoons of aloe vera gel into a clean glass of cranberry juice or apple juice.
  • Drink this mixture once daily for five (5)continuous days either in morning or before going to bed.

Skin Problems

Aloe is very effective for healing insect bites, rashes, skin infections, cold sores, eczema, cuts, burns and also scars. If you have Aloe Vera plant, simply cut open a leaf and rub the moisture that come out directly onto the affected skin part.

 This acts as an anti-septic bandage as well as an antibacterial, antifungal and anti-inflammatory ointment. Ideally,  Aloe should have a soft sensation when applied to the skin.

Weight Loss

Aloe Vera has been found to both stabilize and reduce the Body Mass Index {BMI} by stimulating the metabolic rate in the liver cells so that the body can burn more energy.

For this reason, a suggested weight loss natural remedy is to drink 4 ounces of Aloe juice daily and also combine this with 20 minute exercise routine 3 - 5 times every week.

What are the Side Effects of Aloe Vera?

Aloe Vera is a non-toxic herb which does not have any known severe side effects if taken in moderation. The recommended maximum daily dosage for Aloe Vera is as follows:
  • Aloe Vera Juice: 1-4 ounces
  • Aloe Vera Gel: 1-2 tablespoons
  • Concentrated Aloe Vera: no more than 15 grams
Note that some people are allergic to Aloe Vera. Therefore, if you feel a rash or experience any undesirable symptoms when using Aloe Vera, you should stop using it and consult your doctor.

You should also consult your doctor before taking Aloe Vera if you currently have kidney or heart disease, or if you are allergic to garlic or onions.
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